
Tips Before Traveling To Mexico


Mexico is one of my favorite countries to visit. That’s right. One of my favorites. I have been there so many times. I travel to Mexico for fun and I travel to Mexico to visit family. So in this blog, you will hear me talk about it again and again.

So let’s begin. When you travel to a new country there are so many things to learn. Even if you’ve been there a couple of times, there is still so much to learn. 

Below, I have created a list of tips to help you travel with ease. Some of these tips are helpful to know before you travel to Mexico, while others will come in handy while you are in Mexico.


1 9 Tips Before Traveling to Mexico


Eat Where Locals Eat

Don’t be afraid to explore restaurants that are not in the touristy spots. There are so many different and delicious types of food  to try that are not popular or not as widely know. Try them. A little tip, many small restaurants operate out of a house, so don’t disregard it. Explore. Explore. Explore. You won’t regret it. 

Always Pay in Pesos

The best price you are going to get will be in pesos. The reason, you will get a better exchange rate through your bank then you will from the vendor. So, if you pay in Euros or U.S. dollars, then you are probably going to pay more.

Ask Cab for Price

Always. Always ask the cab driver  the fare before you get in. You don’t want to pay too much. If your gut is telling you it’s too expensive it probably is. Don’t be afraid to walk away and look for another cab.

Only Drink Bottled Water

Most people know this, but in case you don’t, only drink bottled water. You don’t want to get sick.

Buy at Oxxo

Oxxo is the most recognized convenience store in Mexico. You will see it everywhere. This is a great store to buy water, snacks, and beer. When I’m spending a day at the beach, I swing by Oxxo and buy some water, beer and snacks. They also have coolers and ice. It’s a great convenience store to buy all your essentials.

Hire a Cab for the Day

One of the coolest and most convenient things that I have done is hired a cab for an entire day. I was in Mexico City traveling with my mom and sister. Mexico City is very large, there is so much to explore. Instead of grabbing a cab every time we left a location, we decided to hire a cab for a day. We paid $100 for the day. Yes, it’s probably more expensive then it would be to grab a cab every time we left a destination, but this was so convenient. We were able to see so much more. Our driver was so nice and informative. He was like our personal tour guide. I will continue to do this in larger cities. It was so convenient.

Don't Rent a Car

Don’t rent a car unless you know how to drive in the madness. Let me tell you, unless you are in a smaller town, it’s not worth it. As a matter of fact, it’s down right scary. I would never, ever rent a car in Mexico City, Guadalajara, or any other major city. It’s too crazy to drive in those cities. However, I have rented a car in  Playa del Carmen to drive to the port of Holbox. Unless it’s all highway and you feel comfortable, don’t do it. 

Try Tequila and Mezcal

There is so much great tequila and mezcal in Mexico. There are hundreds and hundreds of different brands that are not exported to other countries. Go to bars  and restaurants and try flights of tequila and mezcal. You will be surprised what you will find. An extra tip, I love to bring back local tequila and mezcal as a souvenir.


Learn Some Basic Spanish

This goes for any country that you visit. Spend a little time and learn some basic words to talk with locals. You will enjoy your vacation so much more, and it will be so much easier to communicate. Download a helpful translating app so help you with more difficult words. 

Try Mexican Wine

Did you know Mexico produces wine? Yes, it’s true. Some of it is pretty good too. Try it. If you are in Zacatecas or Baja California, you can explore different wineries. It’s definitely a lot of fun to try wine in Mexico because it’s not widely known. Most people think of tequila and mezcal when they think of Mexico. Have a little fun and try some wine. I’ve had wine from both Zacatecas and Baja California, both regions have great options. I usually bring a bottle home with me.

Take Toll Roads When Driving

Always, always paid for toll roads. They are so much safer. I made this mistake once and it was enough. While in Holbox we ended our evening late and needed to get back to Playa del Carmen. It was several hours of driving. I googled our drive and I took the shortest route assuming it was all toll road. It wasn’t. Big. Big mistake. The shortest drive included rocky roads, no phone service, and completely pitch black roads. We were afraid we would get a flat tire and there would be no one to help. Luckily we didn’t. Needless to say, learn from me. Take the toll roads.


For me, souvenirs are items you can eat, drink or wear. Those are the kind of items I like to buy in any country. When I travel to Mexico, here is what I always buy – vanilla, tequila, mezcal, candy, chocolate, huaraches and clothes. You will not regret buying any of these items. If you can, buy them before you arrive at the airport, it will be a lot cheaper.

Buy from Street Vendors

Support locals by buying from them. Many times they will be selling the same goods that you find at stores. Buy from them and don’t try to negotiate with them. They don’t sell high volumes and they work hard for their money.

Travel by Bus or Colectivos

Locals take colectivos all the time. It’s basically a small white van. I like taking a colectivo from playa to tulum. It costs about 10-20 pesos. It’s cheaper than a cab ride. I wouldn’t take any large items in it. 

Visit Pueblos Magicos

If you can, be sure to visit Pueblos Magicos in Mexico. In English, it translates to Magical Towns. They are smaller, at one time, lesser know towns that offer something unique about the region. Whether it’s food, culture, history, or architecture. These towns are truly something beautiful to see. There are a total of 111 in Mexico. I have only been to six, and let me tell you, each town is so different and so magical. When you are traveling to a larger city be sure to check if there are Pueblos Magicos close. Sometimes it’s a quick bus ride to a Puelo Magico.

Shop at Mercados

 While in Mexico, ask where the mercados are and what days they are open. You will love the mercados. You will find food, souvenirs, clothes, shoes, candy and so much more. You can spend hours just strolling through each row and checking out what local vendors have to offer. It gives you a great idea of the culture that exists in that region of Mexico.

Say Buenos Dias

It is very customary for people to greet one another while walking down the street. Buenos dias, buenas tardes, and buenas noches. The smaller the town, the more common this is. So be kind and when you are walking next to a local, greet them.

Try International Food

I know I’ve done it. I’ve only eaten the customary food from the country I am visiting. Big mistake. I learned this lesson in Zacatecas. I decided to try international cuisine and I will continue to do it from now on. I had sushi in Zacatecas and it was such a treat. It was Mexican fusion sushi and t was delicious. So do yourself a favor and try different types of cuisine while traveling. I will give you guys a glimpse on their take of other countries food. 

Learn Something New

Maybe take a cooking lesson, learn how tequila or coffee in made in that country. This is one of the best way to really get to know a country and it’s people. 

My biggest advice when traveling to Mexico is to have fun, enjoy the culture, the food, and the people. Mexico is truly one of the most beautiful countries to visit. The people are so friendly. If you don’t know something, ask. Most people will be happy to help you.


Ok, corazones. As always, I want to hear from you! What are some tips that you would recommend? Whether it is tips to travel to Mexico or tips for travel in general.

Lo quiero saber todo!

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Hi! I’m Mari! A Latina travel blogger who lives in Denver, CO. 

Fun Facts: I speak Spanish, my family is from Mexico and I’m a flight attendant. 

My favorite countries are Mexico, Greece and Nicaragua. 

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