How the heck do I travel more in 2021! That is the question we all want an answer to. There are usually two reasons why we don’t travel as much as we should, money or time. Well, I’m here are way’s that have helped me travel more.

I have used every single one of these tips. When I was younger I didn’t have much money, but I wanted to travel. So what did I do? I got creative. I had to find a way. Now, I still use many of these tips because they save me money that I’m able to spend on other activities, food or experiences. Here is my list of my top travel hacks to travel more.

Travel More with Less Money:
If money is the reason you can’t travel, here is my list of ways to help you travel more.
- Get Rid of the Fear: Don’t be afraid. What do I mean by that? Let go of what you think travel should look like. Let go of all the Instagram photos and videos you see. Yes, that is travel, but there are so many other ways to travel. Let go of the idea that you can’t travel unless you have a certain amount of money. Let go of the fear that holds you back from traveling. There are so many affordable ways to travel, just don’t limit yourself with the way it should look like.
- Look at Travel Specials or Travel Packages: When I was young, I didn’t know much about travel and I definitely didn’t have a lot of money. Did that stop me? No. Plain and simple. You don’t know what you don’t know. I didn’t know how expensive travel could be because I only looked for travel deals I could afford. How did I do it? Back then I would use Travelocity. The site has a section with last minute deals, check it out. Play around with different destinations, don’t limit yourself. There is always something to see in every city. Travel, even if it’s somewhere that is not on your bucket list. Trust me, you will enjoy it.
- Want to Travel Internationally….Find Travel Deals: If you are set on traveling internationally and you don’t have much money….look for travel packages that include airfare and hotel. There are so many deals, you just have to find them. Some of the sites I use are Travel Pirates. There are so many deals here! If you can’t find a vacation deal from your city…consider flying to another city and fly out of that major city. Flying nationally can be so inexpensive, so it makes it easy to fly to a major city to get the better travel deal.
- Book Cheap Airline Tickets: This is the best way to save major $$$. There are several low cost carriers all around the world, use them to travel more. Low cost carriers allow you to travel to different destinations for cheap. The biggest tip I can give you is know the airlines rules. What extra fees do they charge? Travel light = pay less.
- Find Free Activities: Before you leave to your destination, look up free things to do. There are so many museums, parks, historical sites and more that are absolutely free. This is a great way to see the city, learn about the city and save money. Some of my favorite free things to do are: go to a Smithsonian museum, visit churches, walk around downtown, visit the Capital….get creative. There are so many options.

No Time to Travel
If you have to work full time, travel can be a little tricky. Here are my top tips that I’ve used.
- Look at 3 Day Weekends: There are so many holidays that we celebrate, so my favorite thing to do is to travel on a 3 day weekend. This gives you one extra day to travel. The only tricky part is flights and hotels can be a little more expensive. So my tip: book early.
- Leave Friday Night and Come Back Sunday Evening: Take a short flight and make it a short getaway. You can catch an evening flight to your getaway and the come back on Sunday evening.
- Travel Local: This might seem like the most obvious option or the least favorite option, but trust me, there are thousands of people traveling to the city you live in, or a nearby city. Find cute local towns that are fun to explore.

If you want to travel, but you are limited. There are options. I have listed several ways for you to save money and save time. My top two favorite ways to save is to find travel deals and to travel on a 3 day weekend.
What is your best travel hack?