Traveling is fun, transportation usually isn’t. Whether you are on a plane for 2 hours or 8 hours, you will usually find yourself in need of something to make your trip more comfortable. As a flight attendant, I see this all the time. For this reason, I created a list of what to pack for a plane ride.
This list of how to pack for a plane ride should get you through most situations, whether it’s entertainment, hunger or a chilly ride. Most passengers come onto a plane and expect the airline to have everything they need. Nowadays, airlines are very limited to what they offer on board, so just take everything yourself.

Portable Phone Charger
Most planes will not have an outlet for you to plug your phone. Take a portable phone charger, and if possible, take two.
Carry a pen, especially if you are traveling internationally. You will need it to fill out paperwork.
Airpods or Headphones
These are lifesavers. You will be able to enjoy good music or a good movie, but most importantly, you will be able to block out all the noise on the plane.
Book or Magazine
Bring a book or magazine to keep yourself entertained. Just make sure you don’t leave it in the seatback pocket
Compression Socks
Wear them. Compression socks are good to help reduce pain and swelling associated with flying. If you don’t need them, just take regular socks to keep your feet warm.
Neck Pillow & Eye Mask
A neck pillow and eye mask will help you sleep better on those long flights. My favorite pillow is memory foam pillow and I usually go for a silk eye mask.
Light Blanket
Take it from me, most planes are cold and very few airlines have blankets. Don’t find yourself cold or uncomfortable, take a light cardigan or a blanket.
Tissue, Sanitizer & Wet Wipes
You will be surrounded by germs on a plane, so just take some wet wipes to clean the table and sanitizer to keep your hands clean. Tissue is there in case you need it.

Water Bottle
Take a water bottle to fill once you pass TSA. There are plenty of water fountains at the airport that have filtered water.
Take any medication you use in your carry-on. Do not check it. I also like to carry ibuprofen, Pepto Bismol and Dramamine.
I always carry snacks because I never know when I will need them. Take a protein bar, Snickers or Instant Ramen.
Gum or Candy
Most people don’t experience ear pressure, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. The last thing you want to do is deal with ear pressure or vertigo.
One more tip…
Download before you go. Download any movies, shows or music before you get to the airport. Most airports have too many users online and it makes it difficult if not impossible to download anything. So be prepared ahead of time.
There you go. This is my list of what to pack for a plane ride. Pack these items for your next plane ride, and your ride will be a lot more pleasant.
Let me know what else you would add to the list! I would love to hear it!